Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of Homer s The Odyssey - 897 Words

Homer’s The Odyssey is an epic poem which chronicles the tale of the Greek hero Odysseus’ journey to return to his homeland of Ithaca, and the struggles he endures on his quest. Throughout the poem, Odysseus faces many hardships and trials, and having been away from home for twenty years, his family often questions whether or not he is still alive. However, Odysseus repeatedly uses his cunning and arà ªte of rhetoric in order overcome the trials and disasters he is plagued with on his journey to return home. One instance in the poem that Odysseus shows his gift of speech and the arà ªte of rhetoric is his interactions with the Cyclops, Polyphemus. After having devised his plan to stab out Polyphemus eye with the wooden staff, Odysseus then uses his gift of rhetoric to ruse the Cyclops into drinking wine from his ship until he falls intoxicated. To accomplish this, Odysseus states, â€Å"Cyclops, have some wine. . . so you can see what kind of drink Was in our shipâ⠂¬â„¢s hold. I was bringing it to you to make an offering, hoping you would pity me And help me home.† Using his cleverness, Odysseus devises the plan to have Polyphemus intoxicated and fall unconscious, who would otherwise be too strong for Odysseus and his crew to overpower. Because of this, Odysseus and his crew are able to stab out Polyphemus’ eye, rendering him blind. After gouging out the Cyclops’ eye, Odysseus also shows his arà ªte of cleverness by quickly devising the plan to take advantage of his blindness through hisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1202 Words   |  5 Pagescoping with the idea of losing his father and letting others to rule Ithaca. It is noticeable from the beginning of The Odyssey, written by Homer that Telemachus finds himself in a complicated situation where his life is seen to be in danger. He is a character of being distance from people. The idea of Telemachus becoming his own father, threatens suitor’ s control in Ithaca. Homer describes Telemachus as a teenager who has not found himself and is on a mission to become an adult as his father. TelemachusRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1095 Words   |  5 Pagesused in Homer’s Odyssey is the digression. The digression is departure from the main storyline that does not alter the action of the story, but adds a layer of sentimental content to the plot which usually helps underscore themes central to the story. The digressions in the Odyssey are meticulously written with great attention to detail just like the rest of the epic, and they truly help readers grasp the important aspects of the story. The liberal use of digression in the Odyssey helps build a vividRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer2018 Words   |  9 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is more light in tone than the Iliad, of the same author: The good wins while the evil is punished. Even though the gods are still strict, the relationship between Odys seus and Athena is a more sincere and equal a relationship than between God and Man in the Iliad. Odysseus is distinguished not only by his bravery, but largely by his intellect and cunning. He is the type of resourceful man whom never gives up, thinks of the causes, is reverent and never gives in. The Odyssey isRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey, By Homer915 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the Odyssey, the hero, Odysseus is portrayed in two different and contradicting lights: the wise hero and the capricious leader blinded by his own pride. The epic writer, Homer, embodies the theme of hubris throughout Odysseus’ journey home. The idea of hubris, a trait of excessive pride, significantly develops personalities of characters within The Odyssey, and Homer ultimately creates a statement about excessive pride. The dual portrayal of Odysseus leads the reader to ultimatelyRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer Essay1479 Words   |  6 Pages The word â€Å"Family†, according to Merriam Webster, is thought to be a group of people brought together by common affiliation. The same cannot be said for the culture in the Odyssey by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is trying to get back home from fighting in the Trojan War. He has been away from home for almost 20 years longing to just be reunited with his kinfolk. Along the way, he comes across many obstacles that hinders him from reaching his home and family in in Ithaca. Luckily, the memoriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey2253 Words   |  10 Pagesand Midwifery Council, 2006). The literature surrounding the subject of mentorship is vast and fails to provide a single definition, however the terms used are often similar. Colley (2000) writes that the word mentor originated in Homer’s poem ‘Odyssey’ in which the character oversees the development of Telemachus. Usually mentoring describes the process of an experienced team member using their skills and knowledge to educate and develop a junior or less skilled co-worker (Chartered Institute ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1483 Words   |  6 PagesViolence in The Odyssey Violence in Literature can take any form, whether it be natural disaster like and earthquake or a human based disaster like war (Campbell). In Homer’s The Odyssey both types are found†¦ whether it’s Odysseus’s hardships like making it home or dealing with the wrath of the god Poseidon. Every violent scene has its own reasons, some are more reasonable than others. For instance, the gods were angered by the disobedience of the mortals, this is more reasonable than the killingRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 795 Words   |  4 Pages Odysseus Epic Hero In the Epic, â€Å"The Odyssey, spoken by Homer, conveys a heroic tale of an epic hero named, Odysseus, who faces many challenges as he sails to get home. One of the tasks Odysseus faces is, The Sirens, who challenge Odysseus s will power. Another challenge Odysseus encounters is, â€Å"The Cyclops, who torments and slaughters some of Odysseus s men due to his curiosity. One of the hardest threats he had to confront was, â€Å"The Land ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1636 Words   |  7 PagesGreek society, Homer’s The Odyssey provides a detailed insight into the values of this intricate culture. In particular, this epic discusses the ways in which the deathless gods influence the fates of the mortals. The overall impact of the gods’ power is the mental straining that emerges from the unrelenting conflict of man versus immortal. Likewise, the actions and misfortunes of others also catalyze this extremely significant and powerful mental battle. Homerâ€⠄¢s The Odyssey reveals the values of ancientRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1128 Words   |  5 Pages The Odyssey shows a lot of different stereotypes for women throughout the book, taking action to get what they want. Odysseus is trying to get back home after ten long years since the fall of troy, and his son is going out to find him. Throughout the book Odysseus meets lots of woman who vary in personality. He meets woman with the stereotypes: â€Å"mantis†- dominant, eats its mate, destroys to gain power, feared by many. â€Å"Damsel in distress†- persecuted maiden, woman placed in a dire predicament requires

Monday, December 16, 2019

Wall Street Crash Free Essays

The businessman and two university students talked about their political point of view. Moreover, the boy looked at the businessman, stared at him, without once blinking his eyes or shifting his stare. The businessman knew about that so he struck up a conversation with the young boy and asked him that who he traveled with. We will write a custom essay sample on Wall Street Crash or any similar topic only for you Order Now The boy answered that his father was along and led them the way to find his father. Therefore, he minted at a long box and said there was his father who was shot in Detroit. The businessman promised that he would fix that immediately. That is a reason why one of the students laughed and asked about the millions of America lost their jobs and many also lost all their savings. In the story, the businessman who had a social position met the young boy whose father was shot in Detroit. The crisis of this story is the boy stared the businessman without once blinking eyes or shifting stare. Moreover, the boy led the way to find his father and pointed at a long box where his father was there and told he reason why his father died. The conflict is showed about the differences between rich and poor or knowledge between people who are on the outside and people who are on the inside. In addition, the businessman promised that he would fix the mistake – just for the boy, it is the story’s central conflict resolved. With regard to me, I think as one on the students in this story that this resolution of the businessman is not satisfying and logical. Because this mistake do not make only the boy and his father were borne, the million people bore it too. With the foreshadowing, the look of boy for the businessman was a staring. It was just like a curious look; but it was also a vague look. The author arranges the causal connections between events are clear and logical because in the beginning of story, the † I † character got on the train and he met the order characters then they had had a conversation before they found the boys father. In this story, the boy and the businessman are the story protagonist because they are two characters who have connection with the other characters and become the factors to resolve any vents or situations. The AD character is the boy and the businessman. The AD character is two university students and the † I † character because the boy and the businessman were showed their character clearly by the author. For instances, the boy showed eagerness, curiousness and his thinking apparently, when the businessman and two students had a conversation or when the businessman asked him where his father was and his thinking about the massacre at Detroit. With the businessman, he presented his angry and abrupt feeling or an expression of satisfaction on his face when one of dents had a wrong or right answer for his questions. Moreover, the businessman showed a sharp gasping feeling when the boy pointed his father’s place. With two university students and the † † character, they are the antagonists so the author do not present carefully their actions and feeling on each event. Like the † I † character, we cannot see the character’s speech all through the story. In addition, two university students showed their felling when they felt angry with the businessman’s answer for their wonder – riots and disturbances. With regard to the story setting, it was written in early sass. This story describes an episode that takes place on a train going away from Detroit to come New York. At this time, in any trains, they were the major means of travel for both rich and poor people of the united States. Moreover, â€Å"On the outside† shows the reader to see the effect of recovering economically from the stock market crash of 1 929 through ten years. It made millions of American lost their jobs and many also lost their savings, become poor and did not have anything. In the story, the author uses metaphor for he depraved economic to make poor people do not have the justice at this time. In addition, the simile was used to compare the thinking about riots and disturbances between rich people and poor people. The author also used the synecdoche to talk about rich people and poor people at this time and the character of synecdoche is the businessman- rich people, the boy and his father – poor people. The style and language of this story are informal because the author uses the short sentences for all answers and † Bosh † is an impolite word which the businessman said with student when they gave a rang meaning about riots and disturbances. In † On the outside the † I † character is the author. The fur coat was worn by the businessman and made him sunk deep in it which is a key factor. Therefore, we can easily see that a fur coat showed for us to know and imagine about the rich of businessman. In this story, the author used the first narrator. Finally, the story was named after† On the outside † because the author wanted to imply that people who are not in one or some troubles do not know and understand about the internal problems and meaning of these problems. How to cite Wall Street Crash, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Security Privacy Challenges Cloud Computing â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What Are The Security Concerns In Cloud Computing Technology? What Are The Privacy Concerns In Cloud Computing Technology? What Is The Risks Mitigation Plans Associated With The Cloud Computing Technology? Answers: Introduction: The digital innovation in the information technology is equipped with security risks and challenges. The data services associated with the business operation can be efficiently performed with the use of cloud computing environment. The cloud computing paradigm is adopted by every small and large organization for enhancing their business operations. The capabilities of the existing system can be completely changed with the implementation of cloud computing platform. The cloud computing platforms are of three types which are classified as platform as a service, software as a service, and an infrastructure as a service. The cloud computing is an effective technique for managing resources among the participating units to resolve the issues of conflicts. This new technology is equipped with some security challenges which should be taken under consideration to resolve the security challenges which results in the effective working of the enterprise. The computer programs, data, and informat ion can be outsourced with the use of this newer technology (Rosado, 2013). The complexity of the business operations can be resolved with the implementation of cloud platform for easy availability of resources on demand. The adaptable programs of the cloud computing helps the user to customise with the data and information of their own choice (Liu, 2009). Discussion: The discussion forum is on the topic named as security and privacy issues in cloud computing. In this paper, we are going to highlights the security and privacy issues which are incorporated with the implementation of cloud computing technology. The privacy of the data is the crucial concern for the enterprise. The privacy legislation laws should be followed for storing the confidential information of the user on the cloud. The data leakages take place during the sending and retrieving data on request of the user. The confidentiality of the information can be lost during data transfer. It is recommended that the legislation policies should be used for uploading the information of the user of the cloud computing platform. The security procedures should be used for securing the personal and confidential information of the user. The authentication and authorization procedures should be used for storing the data on the cloud platform for reducing the risks associated with the transaction related with the fetching of the information. Privacy and Security concerns: From the analysis and research paradigm, it has been identified that the cloud computing technology is equipped with two concern areas which are classified as control over data transfer and dependency on the providers of cloud computing (Mathew, 2015). The following table shows the list of issues occurs due to the data loss in cloud computing technology: Issues Description Loss of data control It is the most ridiculous problem of cloud computing technology. The data is get out of control from the hands of the user. It is not the secure method to store data on the system of the cloud computing service providers (Hamlen, 2010). The transparency between users and the processed data is not accurate. The processing of the data cannot be controlled by the users. Operations of data mining The techniques of data mining can be efficiently performed by the cloud computing service providers. The confidentiality of the data can be damaged due to the processing and storage of sensitive data. The inclusion of social media platform can affect the privacy of the data(Sun, 2014 ). Use of mobile devices The data available on the cloud can be fetched with the help of mobile devices which can harm the sensitivity of the information (Monikandan, 2012). The data can be easily transferred between the mobile devices which can be the reason of hacking. Remote access of cloud data The remote accessing of the data available on the network can result into eavesdropping of the data. The other issues which are associate with the remote accessing of the data are denial of service attack, DNS spoofing, and others. Paradigm shift The shifting of the cloud computing paradigm result into traditional risks associated with the data transfer. The data can be divided into users, internet service provider, and cloud service provider. The legislative compliance of the data will create the security concern for the availability of the data. The dispersion of cloud data centre will results into inadequacy in the data management techniques External auditing of the cloud service providers The technical control for data management on the cloud service provider through the inclusion external auditing will create a problematic situation for cloud management of data Data deletion procedures It is difficult to delete all the copies of the data available on the cloud computing infrastructure. Data deletion is the mandatory process in the cloud computing environment. Legislation process used for data protection and privacy The global services provided for managing the protection of data and privacy associated with the legislation. Reliability and security issues The telecommunication network on the cloud computing environment raises the reliability and security issues associated with the data The following table are the issues related with the cloud computing service providers: The availability of the data on demand is the major issues with the cloud computing service providers. The continuity of the business depends on the availability of the data on time No formal contract between cloud service providers and the associated customers which raises the concern of hacking. Traditional risks associated with the telecommunication services Technical issues associated with the cloud computing service providers. Mitigation action plan The security risks associated with the cloud platform can be reduced by focusing on the following areas: Segregation of the data: The segregation issues exist in the sharing of the data. The authentication and authorization policies should be used for preventing the leakages of data to the third party. After the confirmation of the authorization, data should be provided to the requesting parties. Analysis of the data location: The legal issues can be associated with the data stored on different locations. The server location should be checked for transferring of data because the privacy laws should be followed if the data is getting transferred to the other countries. The data should be prohibited from sending it to the different locations. Procedures and security standards: The encryption and cryptography procedures should be used for identifying the data and sending it securely over the network. Access control policies: The access control policies should be used for accessing the required information from the cloud. It helps in minimizing the risks associated with the un-authenticated access of data Auditing procedures: The contract should be signed for auditing the security procedures of the enterprise. It helps in minimizing the risks associated with the un-ethical auditing of the security procedures (Sen, 2015). Notification sends to security vulnerabilities: The immediate notices should be sending to the organization on the occurrence of vulnerabilities in the enterprise. Application of the cloud computing technologies: Devices used for cloud accessing Management browser relationship with thin clients Broadband accessing with the high speed data Data storage on server platform Virtualization Management of application program interface Vague Areas: Application programming interface is used for managing cloud environment for increasing the capabilities of the communication medium. The open communication infrastructure of the cloud computing environment is equipped with risks and security concern. The development of the new opportunities is comprised of many risks. Challenges and problem area The privacy concern has the negative and the positive impact on the working of the cloud computing operations. The privacy obligations should be associated with the sending of the private information of the user (Padhy, 2011). The information available on the cloud should be implemented with the use of privacy compliance program. The security procedures should be developed for insourcing and outsourcing of the data. The contract with the cloud service providers should be reviewed and periodically updated. The public key infrastructure mechanism should be used for securing the information on the cloud platform. The individual consents should be used for retrieving the personal information (Hussain, 2015). Recommendations: The contract should be signed between the user and the cloud computing service providers which provides transparency in managing risks and legal compliance issues with data management schemes (Wayne, 2013). The complaints of the customers should be handled by the cloud service providers at glance. The adequate facility of communication helps in minimizing the risks associated with the data management schemes such as spoofing attack, denial of service attack, and eavesdropping (Abbas, 2010). The obligations should be ensured with the confidentiality and accuracy of data. The data should be deleted from the cloud platform to minimize the risks of potential attacks. The backup data should be managed on the customer end to overcome the problem of failure. The secured telecommunication services should be used to overcome the problem of denial of service attacks. The proactive action plan should be prepared by the professionals to overcome the problem of new risks. The auditing procedures should be used for providing adequate and accurate information to the users. Conclusion: The cloud computing paradigm is adopted by every small and large organization for enhancing their business operations. The capabilities of the existing system can be completely changed with the implementation of cloud computing platform. The confidentiality of the data can be damaged due to the processing and storage of sensitive data. The inclusion of social media platform can affect the privacy of the data. The encryption technique and policies of authorisation and authentication should be used for securing the privacy of the data available on the cloud. References: Abbas, H. (2010).Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12243-017-0578-3 Hamlen, K. (2010).Security issues for cloud computing. Retrieved from https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Hussain, I. (2015).Security issues in cloud computing-A review. Retrieved from https://www.ijana.in/papers/V6I2-6.pdf Liu, Y. (2009).A survey of security and privacy challenges in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://jcse.kiise.org/files/V9N3-01.pdf Mathew, A. (2015).Survey paper on security and privacy issues in cloud storage system. Retrieved from https://blogs.ubc.ca/computersecurity/files/2012/04/AMathew_EECE572B_Survey_23062102.pdf Monikandan, S. (2012).Privacy in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://airccj.org/CSCP/vol2/csit2331.pdf Padhy, R. (2011).Cloud computing: Security issues and research challenges. Retrieved from https://www.ijcsits.org/papers/Vol1no22011/13vol1no2.pdf Rosado, D. (2013).An analysis of security issues for cloud computing. Retrieved from https://mdatechsys.com/project/Secure%20Computing/An%20analysis%20of%20security%20issues%20for%20cloud%20computing.pdf Sen, J. (2015).Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4dc3/70d253020947a8e66b701e12dd0233161229.pdf Sun, Y. (2014).Data security and privacy in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274230804_Data_Security_and_Privacy_in_Cloud_Computing Wayne, A. (2013).Cloud hooks: Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Retrieved from https://ws680.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=906716